All N4PY software programs are available for free for the first 10 days of use. If you decide you want to use the program after the trial period, please follow the instructions below.
Payment Method
For PayPal, go to the PURCHASE page. Please put your call sign, radio type, and email address in the comment section of the PayPal page.
For check payment, make the check payable to Carl Moreschi and PLEASE include your EMAIL address, call sign, and radio type you will be using. All checks must be in US dollars from a US bank. I do not wait for the checks to clear. Mail Checks to:
Carl Moreschi 127 River Moss Way Hertford, NC 27944
If you do not have Internet access and want the software on diskette or CD, there is an additional charge of $10.00 for a diskette or CD mailed directly to you.
All N4PY software runs on windows operating systems Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 (including the 64 bit versions of XP, Vista, and Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11).
A password protection scheme is used by the program. You can run the program for 10 days without a password. During this time, you should send the install number along with your call sign to [email protected] to get your password. Your password only needs to be entered once. It is good for all following versions until your subscription expires. When your subscription expires, you will still be able to use versions that came out prior to your subscription expiring. The same install number and password will allow multiple versions to run on the same computer but not on another computer.
My policy to give everyone all the passwords they need for all their own computers for their own use. The software license goes with the person and not with the computer. The N4PY software license is not transferable to another user.
Specific Download Information
To configure the program for your radio: a) Once you have downloaded and ran the install program, open the "Quick.txt" file. b) Find the section specific for your radio. c) Start the program and follow those specific instructions for your radio from the "Quick.txt" file.
Changes from version 4.56 to version 4.57 1) Added receive antenna control for ANAN radios using Thetis. This selection is remembered by band segment.
2) Added a font setting for the text in the memory window.
3) Added polling for Yaesu 101D, 101MP, and FTDX10 when connected to a true serial port because the radio only does auto information when connected to the USB port. There is a new setting for this in Pegasus.ini called SERIAL 101D.
4) Added a squelch setting for Flex 6000 and 8000 radios.
Do not install the program in the "Program Files" folder. Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 do strange things to programs in that folder.
If you have difficulty downloading the program, I recommend you use Firefox as your browser. Firefox will download this program with no problem and it is a much better browser. I can assure you after being in business for 20 years that the file is completely safe and virus free. You may need to set as a trusted site in Windows Defender.
For Windows 10, Smart Screen will say something like "Windows Protected Your PC". If you get this, click on "More Info". This will show the publisher as N4PY Software with my address in Louisburg, NC. Then click on "Run Anyway" and all will work fine.
If you get error code 740 during the runtime installation,right click on the installation program icon, and click on "Run as Administrator".
Additional Download Instructions: Now that the programs are all now on Google Drive, Click the red button below. On the next page, click "download". Then finally click "Download Anyway".